Life update: I'm a dad!
Tristan Deane
Nothing can prepare you for the first week of caring for a newborn if you're a new parent. Swaddling is more complicated than it looks. Sometimes, the baby still cries after you've checked all the regular boxes, and you don't know what to do. You'd think the pregnancy classes we took beforehand would've prepared us better. After all, there's a vast difference between changing a doll's diaper in a controlled setting versus the diaper of a screaming, wriggling baby at 2:45 am. Now, try doing that while averaging 3 hours of sleep. It's rough.
The good news is that you quickly adapt to this new reality. Billions of other humans have done this before, and caring for a baby is essentially baked into our DNA. That's what I tell myself, at least. And so far, it rings true. The fact that I have the energy to write this post at the beginning of the second week is a testament to that notion. I'm adjusting to this new life and am excited to see what the new week brings.
I suspect it's more diapers.